History App – daily dose of history
year: 2021 (on Google and Apple store from April 2022)
App dedicated to all history lovers. One short and interesting story every day which will make you fall in love with history.
Brilliant history student managed to convince a group of business angels and history lovers to invest into a new history app. The idea was to publish every day ”history pills” – short and interesting stories about famous events or persons.
The project includes Branding, User Experience and User Interface design. Each of these processes was developed and tested parallelly in order to have a well designed and functional product.
Who is the target audiance?
History lovers and those who might become! Behind the App, we created a scientific commettee that included some of the most important names from the history departments of the most famous italian universities (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). The ”highlighted” articles are written by some of these professors while the rest by prominent history students and then revisioned by the scientific commettee.
The articles have two modes: Snap and Profundius. Snap is a short version of the article present inside the app, while Profundius is its complete version present on the website.
After many sketches containing historical objects or initials SH, the golden idea arrived! Herodotus as the “Father of History” has to represent it! So I created his stylized portrait, but it wasn’t enough. Something was missing. “Where do you usually see this kind of stylized portraits?”, I was asking myself. On the coins! It was perfect! Heads or tails was a logical part of it.
The color palette used gives the impresion of seriousness but together with stylized coin, also the impression of how fun history can be.

At the beginning of the design process I created wireframes for testing purposes. The aim was to complete simple user journey flow. So, the basic version of the App has three main components: Today – Archive – Donate, while the full version has access to website LogIn with full articles and possibility to comment the contents.

UI Design
Once all technical and experience design mistakes were fixed, I started designing the final screen in InVision Studio. I followed fresh, minimalistic style applying just a basic graphic elements where necessary and 3 colors. The App is designed for both Google Play Store and Apple Store.